Motherhood is a precious and beautiful phase in a woman’s life, but it usually starts with surging hormones leading to unusual food cravings or aversions. Pregnancy is a time to eat wholesome & nourishing nutrition for both mother and baby. It is not a time for strict diets, but for eating mindfully.
The first trimester is the hardest for many women as it is marked with food aversions, morning or evening sickness and vomiting. It is also considered the most important time to focus on baby’s nourishment and nutritional requirements such as Folic acid, Iron, Calcium, DHA and Proteins. By the beginning of the fifth week, the right nutrients help in healthy development of the vital organs of the baby.
Proteins are considered important throughout the pregnancy, as they act like building blocks for both mother and the growing baby. Proteins are important for the mother, as they provide much needed energy to deal with the stress and tiredness associated with pregnancy. They also help the mother to manage her weight and keep a check on her sugar levels making her less prone to other illnesses during her pregnancy and prepare her for labor and lactation. Proteins are mainly present in lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts, pulses, legumes, milk & dairy products like yoghurt, cheese, butter milk etc.
Please read the blog titled “Understanding Protein” to know more.
To meet all these nutritional demands of the mother and baby, a healthy, balanced diet with a comprehensive nutritional supplement is essential. Care should be taken that, both diet and supplement have the right amount of macro-and micronutrients that cater the nutritional requirements of pregnancy and not be full of “fillers” that only add to extra calories and contribute to unwanted weight gain. Therefore, one needs to choose the right supplement to meet the mother’s daily requirements of protein and other nutrients, essential during pregnancy.
Consulting the dietician and/or Gynecologist is always helpful in taking an informed decision.
Because pregnancy is not only about beginning of motherhood, it’s the beginning of two precious, new lives!!
Please read the blog titled “Evaluating Supplements: What Do Their Labels Say?” to know more
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